
Download Pes 2012

Sunday, 20 May 2012

Download PES (Pro Evolution Soccer) 2012 Full Version PC Gratis
Download Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 Full Version - download game PES 2012 full version gratis . Bagi penggila game, mungkin game yang satu ini merupakan game favorit sampean yaitu Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 . Game PES 2012 merupakan game sepak bola yang digemari kalangan remaja bahkan orang tua sekalipun. Memang game PES 2012 ini gamenya sangat bagus, apalagi jika dimainkan two players bersama teman. Sambil kumpul-kumpul sama temen buat ngilangin stres game ini sangat cocok buat sampean. download PES 2012

Minimum system requirements - Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 Full Version :
Windows XP SP3, Vista SP2, 7
Processor Intel Pentium IV 2.4GHz or equivalent
DirectX 9.0c compatible video card. Pixel shader 3.0 with 128 MB of RAM (NVIDIA GeForce 6600 or ATI Radeon x1300)
Cara Install Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 Full Version / cara penginstalan game PES 2012 :
Download game dan patch files kemudian unrar/extract
Install PES 2012 Free Full Version yang sudah anda download
Letakkan file patch di “C:\Program Files (x86)\KONAMI\Pro Evolution Soccer 2012\img”
Apply Crack

Mesin pencari

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Mesin pencari adalah program komputer yang dirancang untuk melakukan pencarian atas berkas-berkas yang tersimpan dalam layanan www, ftp, publikasi milis, ataupun news group dalam sebuah ataupun sejumlah komputer peladen dalam suatu jaringan. Hasil pencarian umumnya ditampilkan dalam bentuk daftar yang seringkali diurutkan menurut tingkat akurasi ataupun rasio pengunjung atas suatu berkas yang disebut sebagai hits. Informasi yang menjadi target pencarian bisa terdapat dalam berbagai macam jenis berkas seperti halaman situs web, gambar, ataupun jenis-jenis berkas lainnya. Beberapa mesin pencari juga diketahui melakukan pengumpulan informasi atas data yang tersimpan dalam suatu basisdata ataupun direktori web.
Sebagian besar mesin pencari dijalankan oleh perusahaan swasta yang menggunakan algoritma kepemilikan dan basisdata tertutup, di antaranya yang paling populer adalah Google (MSN Search dan Yahoo!). Telah ada beberapa upaya menciptakan mesin pencari dengan sumber terbuka (open source), contohnya adalah Htdig, Nutch, Egothor dan OpenFTS.[1]

29 Cara menghasilkan uang lewat internet

Dewasa ini tak ada yang bisa membantah jika internet telah menjadi salah satu tempat mendapatkan banyak uang dan penghasilan yang bahkan tidak terbatas. Hanya saja masih sangat banyak orang yang belum tahu dan mengerti benar bagaimana cara mendapatkan uang dari internet.
Jika sebelumnya anda telah mengenal blog dan bagaimana cara menghasilkan uang dari blog (make money blogging), saya mau katakan bahwa itu ternyata masih kecil. Blog hanya bagian kecil dari besarnya potensi pendapatan di internet. Masih sangat banyak cara lain untuk bisa menghasilkan pendapatan online yang berlimpah tergantung keahlian dan kesukaan anda. Apa saja itu?

Cara Mendapatkan Uang dari Internet bagi Anda yang Suka Menulis dan Berkomunikasi

Peluang mendapatkan penghasilan dari internet dengan keahlian seperti di atas antara lain:

Penentuan ΔH Reaksi

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Ini adalah salah satu tugas penulis pada saat masih duduk di bangku sekolah "SMA Negeri 1 Seririt"

A.             Landasan materi

Penentuan ΔH Reaksi
Penentuan kalor reaksi secara kalorimetris merupakan penentuan yang didasarkan atau diukur dari perubahan suhu larutan dan kalorimeter dengan prinsip perpindahan kalor yaitu jumlah kalor yang diberikan sama dengan jumlah kalor yang diserap.
kalorimeter  biasa digunakan untuk menentukan kalor reaksi pembakaran , sehingga disebut kalorimeter bom. Alat ini terdiri dari sebuah wadah tempat berlangsungnya reaksi  pembakaran dari bahan stainless steel dan sejumlah air atau larutan dalam wadah kedap panas. Panas reaksi yamg terjadi dapat dihitung sebagai berikut.

Rounded Rectangle: qlarutan = m . c . ΔT

Rounded Rectangle: qkalorimeter = c . ΔT

Rounded Rectangle: ΔHreaksi total = qlarutan + qkalorimeter                                                                                                                          

Reaksi Eksoterm Dan Endoterm

oleh: Restu Cahyadiarta

Reaksi Eksoterm  Dan Endoterm

A.           Tujuan                         :
Mengamati dan memahami reaksi eksoterm dan endoterm.

B.            Alat dan bahan           :
Alat: gelas kimia 500 ml, batang pengaduk, dan thermometer
Bahan: air, CaO padat, NH4Cl, Ba(OH)2 padat, NaOH, CO(NH2)2

C.           Cara kerja                   :
1.             Reaksi eksoterm
a.             Ukur suhu air  pada gelas kimia 500 ml.
b.             Masukkan CaO dalam air dan aduklah.
c.             Ukur suhu larutan tersebut dan catat hasilnya! Bandingkan suhunya!

Hikayat Si Miskin

Nama          : I Ketut Restu Cahyadiarta
No/Kelas    : 08/ XI IA1

Hikayat Si Miskin
Karena sumpah Batara Indera, seorang raja keinderaan beserta permaisurinya dibuang dari keinderaan sehingga sengsara hidupnya. Itulah sebabnya kemudian ia dikenal sebagai si Miskin.
Si Miskin laki-bini dengan rupa kainnya seperti dimamah anjing itu berjalan mencari rezeki berkeliling di Negeri Antah Berantah di bawah pemerintahan Maharaja Indera Dewa. Ke mana mereka pergi selalu diburu dan diusir oleh penduduk secara beramai-ramai dengan disertai penganiayaan sehingga bengkak-bengkak dan berdarah-darah tubuhnya. Sepanjang perjalanan menangislah si Miskin berdua itu dengan sangat lapar dan dahaganya. Waktu malam tidur di hutan, siangnya berjalan mencari rezeki. Demikian seterusnya.
Ketika isterinya mengandung tiga bulan, ia menginginkan makan mangga yang ada di taman raja. Si Miskin menyatakan keberatannya untuk menuruti keinginan isterinya itu, tetapi istri itu makin menjadi-jadi menangisnya. Maka berkatalah si Miskin, “Diamlah. Tuan jangan menangis. Biar Kakanda pergi mencari buah mempelam itu. Jikalau dapat, Kakanda berikan kepada tuan.”

Laporan Pengamatan Laju Reaksi

A.            Tujuan
Ø   Pengaruh luas permukaan terhadap laju reaksi
          Menyelidiki pengaruh luas permukaan bidang  sentuh terhadap laju reaksi.
Ø   Pengaruh Konsentrasi terhadap Laju Reaksi
          Menyelidiki pengaruh konsentrasi terhadap laju reaksi.
Ø   Pengaruh Suhu terhadap Laju Reaksi
          Menyelidiki pengaruh suhu zat terhadap laju reaksi.
Ø   Pengaruh Katalis terhadap Laju Reaksi
          Mengetahui pengaruh ktalis terhadap laju reaksi.

B.            Alat dan Bahan
Ø   Pengaruh luas permukaan terhadap laju reaksi
                   Alat           : tabung reaksi 2 buah, gelas ukur, neraca dan stopwatch.
                   Bahan       :Logam seng (Zn), larutan HCl 2M.
Ø   Pengaruh Konsentrasi terhadap Laju Reaksi




Gede Bagus Dewantara
Dewi Ida Ayu Putu
Putu Diah Dewantari
Ketut Restu Cahyadiarta
Gede Yasa Putra

MARET, 2010


     Puji syukur kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, karena itu atas berkat dari rahmat dan ijin beliaulah penulis dapat menyelesaikan karya tulis yang berjudul “ Dampak Teknologi Di Berbagai Bidang Kehidupan “ sesuai dengan tema yang ingin penulis angkat. Meski sempat menemui hambatan kecil, namun akhirnya penulis dapat menyelesaikannya dengan tepat waktu.

      Dalam kesempatan ini penulis ingin menyampaikan ucapan terima kasih yang sebesar-besarnya kepada :
1.          Ibu Nyoman Mahartini S.Pd selaku guru Bahasa Indonesia atas arahannya selama ini.
2.          Semua pihak yang  terlibat dalam pembuatan karya tulis ini.

      Penulis menyadari bahwa karya tulis ini masih jauh dari sempurna. Seperti pepatah mengatakan “ Bagaikan gading yang tak retak”. Maka dari itu, kritik yang membangun sangat diperlukan  untuk setidaknya menyempurnakan karya tulis ini.
      Penulis berharap agar karya tulis ini dapat bermanfaat bagi pembaca. Dan dapat dijadikan suatu pertimbangan untuk kedepannya. Pembaca dituntut agar dapat menggunakan teknologi yang canggih ini sebaik mungkin .

                                                        Banjar , 9 Maret 2010



HALAMAN JUDUL                                                                                                i                                                                                                                      
KATA PENGANTAR………………………………………………………….....ii  DAFTAR ISI………………………………………………………………………iii      BAB     I.      PENDAHULUAN
1.1  Latar Belakang………………………………………………….1
1.2  Rumusan Masalah………………………………………………2
1.3  Tujuan Penulisan………………………………………………..2
1.4  Manfaat Penulisan………………………………………………3
   BAB     II.    URAIAN
                                   Sejarah Teknologi……………………………………………….4
                        3.1 Dampak Teknologi Bagi Kehidupan Manusia………….............6
                        3.2 Cara Menggunakan Teknologi Secara Baik……………………12
  BAB      IV    PENUTUP
                        4.1 Kesimpulan……………………………………………………..14
                        4.2 Saran……………………………………………………………14
                      Gambar 1.1…………………………………………………………..15
                      Gambar 1.2…………………………………………………………..15
                      Gambar 1.3…………………………………………………………..16
 Daftar Pustaka



1.1    Latar Belakang
               Kita ketahui bahwa sebenarnya sejak dulu teknologi sudah ada atau manusia sudah menggunakan teknologi. Seseorang menggunakan teknologi karena manusia berakal. Dengan akalnya ia ingin keluar dari masalah, ingin hidup lebih baik, lebih aman dan sebagainya. Perkembangan teknologi terjadi karena seseorang menggunakan akalnya dan akalnya untuk menyelesaikan setiap masalah yang dihadapinya.
Pada satu sisi, perkembangan dunia IPTEK yang demikian mengagumkan itu memang telah membawa manfaat yang luar biasa bagi kemajuan peradaban umat manusia. Jenis-jenis pekerjaan yang sebelumnya menuntut kemampuan fisik yang cukup besar, kini relatif sudah bisa digantikan oleh perangkat mesin-mesin otomatis, Demikian juga ditemukannya formulasi-formulasi baru kapasitas komputer, seolah sudah mampu menggeser posisi kemampuan otak manusia dalam berbagai bidang ilmu dan aktifitas manusia. Ringkas kata kemajuan IPTEK yang telah kita capai sekarang benar-benar telah diakui dan dirasakan memberikan banyak kemudahan dan kenyamanan bagi kehidupan umat manusia. Sumbangan IPTEK terhadap peradaban dan kesejahteraan manusia tidaklah dapat dipungkiri. Namun manusia tidak bisa pula menipu diri sendiri akan kenyataan bahwa IPTEK mendatangkan malapetaka dan kesengsaraan bagi manusia.


Sebab-Sebab Umum. (1) Persaingan antar bangsa yaitu Jerman melawan Inggris, Jerman-Rusia, Jerman-Perancis, Rusia-Austria. (2) Terjadinya Politik Aliansi yaitu Triple Alliance (Jerman, Austria, Turki) yang disebut Blok Central dan Triple Emtemte (Inggris, Perancis, Rusia) yang disebut Blok Sekutu. (3) Terjadi perlombaan senjata.
Sebab-Sebab Khusus. Terbunuhnya putra mahkota Austria, Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Ia dibunuh di Sarajevo (Serbia) pada tanggal 28 Juni 1914 oleh seorang mahasisswa sekaligus anggota gerakan Serbia Raya (Black Hand) yang bernama Gabriel Princip. Berawal dari peristiwa ini, Austria mengumumkan perang terhadap Serbia.
Perang Dunia I terbagi dalam beberapa front. Front-front tersebut sebagai berikut:
1. Di front Barat: Jerman mengalami kemenangan pada saat dipimpin oleh Ludendorf. Tetapi kemudian dapat dikalahkan oleh Perancis yang dipimpin oleh Joffre.
2.  Di front Timur: Jerman berhasil mengalahkan Rusia. Pasukan Jerman dipimpin oleh von Hindenburg dan von Mackensen.
3.  Di front Balkan: Jerman memperoleh kemenangan pada saat dipimpin oleh von Mackensen. Tetapi, Jerman kemudian dapat dikalahkan oleh Inggris.
4.  Perang di Laut: Jerman mengumumkan perang kapal selam tak terbatas sehingga tanpa memperhatikan kapal dari negara manapun apabila berhubungan dengan musuh akan diserang. Dalam peperangan ini akhirnya Jerman mengalami kekalahan.
Perang Dunia I diakhiri dengan kemenangan Blok Sekutu dan kekalahan Blok Sentral. Penyelesaian Perang Dunia I dilakukan dengan mengadakan perjanjian-perjanjian perdamaian yang diantaranya sebagai berikut:
Perjanjian Versailles. Perjanjian ini dilakukan pada tanggal 28 Juni 1918. Isi perjanjian dari Versailles antara lain:
1)  Jerman menyerahkan Elzas-Lotharingen kepada Perancis dan Eupen-Malmedy kepadaBelgia.
2)  Danzig dan sekitarnya menjadi kota merdek di bawah LBB.
3)  Jerman kehilangan ssemua daerah jajahannya dan diserahkan kepada Inggris. Perancis, dan Jepang.
4)  Jerman membayara ganti kerugian perang sebesar 132 milyar mark emas kepada sekutu.
5)  Angkatan perang Jerman diperkecil (maksimal 100.000 tentara).
6)  Kapal-kapal dagang Jerman diserahkan kepada Inggris sebagai ganti kerugian perang.
7)  Daerah Jerman sebelah barat sungai Rhein diduduki sekutu sebagai jaminan, selama lima belas tahun.
Perjanjian Saint Germain. Perjanjian ini ditandatangani pada tanggal 10 November 1919. Perjanjian ini untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan antara Sekutu dan Austria. Isi dari perjanjian Saint Germain,
1) Austria mengakui kemerdekaan Hongaria, Cekoslovakia, dan Polandia.
2) Austria kehilangan Tyrol, Istrie, dan sebagian Sudenten.

Autobiografi "Marie-Esprit Léon Walras"

Marie-Esprit Léon Walras telah dikatakan oleh Schumpeter sebagai "yang terbesar dari semua ekonom" (Schumpeter, 1954: p.827). Walras (diucapkan "Valrasse") adalah salah satu dari tiga nenek moyang dari "Revolusi Marginalist" tahun 1871 - meskipun karya besarnya, Unsur Murni Ekonomi, diterbitkan pada tahun 1874, tiga tahun setelah Jevons dan Menger.

    Meskipun demikian, sepanjang antara tiga, Léon Walras ditetapkan presentasi keseimbangan formal umum teori marginalist baru - dengan demikian menganugrahkan begitu dengan Jevons multi-pasar pertimbangan sebagian besar telah dihindari dan perangkap matematika Menger telah dihindari. Dengan demikian, teori subjektif nilai marginalists itu diabadikan oleh Walras dalam kerangka ekuilibrium umum membuatnya, dibenarkan, ayah dari GE neoklasik modern.

    Dari setiap biografi Walras, unsur-unsur utama kehidupan Walras bisa dikatakan: ia adalah anak dari marginalist-proto, Antoine-Auguste Walras dan, setelah menghabiskan seorang pemuda Bohemian di Paris sebagai kritikus novelis dan seni, Léon Walras segera diikuti ayahnya langkah kaki di menghitung setiap: ia

Gelombang Elektromagnetik

A. Spektrum Gelombang Elektromagnetik
1. Hakikat Gelombang Elektromagnetik
Pada pertengahan abad ke sepuluh seorang ilmuwan Mesir di Iskandaria yang bernama Al Hasan (965-1038) mengemukakan pendapat bahwa mata dapat melihat benda-benda di sekeliling karena adanya cahaya yang dipancarkan atau dipantulkan oleh benda-benda yang bersangkutan masuk ke dalam mata. Teori ini akhirnya dapat diterima oleh orang banyak sampai sekarang ini.
Beberapa teori-teori yang mendukung pendapat Al Hasan diantaranya adalah
a. Teori Emisi atau Teori Partikel
Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727) merupakan ilmuwan berkebangsaan Inggris yang mengemukakan pendapat bahwa dari sumber cahaya dipancarkan partikel-partikel yang sangat kecil dan ringan ke segala arah dengan
kecepatan yang sangat besar. Bila partikel-partikel ini mengenai mata, maka manusia
akan mendapat kesan melihat benda tersebut.
Alasan dikemukakanya teori ini adalah sebagai berikut:
•Karena partikel cahaya sangat ringan dan berkecepatan tinggi maka cahaya dapat
merambat lurus tanpa terpengaruh gaya gravitasi bumi.


Bel Listrik
Elektromagnet dalam bel listrik berupa inti besi yang berbentuk huruf U. Inti besi tersebul dililiti kumparan dengan arah belitan yang berbeda. Hal ini dilakukan dengan maksud agar diperoleh magnet yang berbeda jika kumparan tersebut dialiri arus listrik
Ketika sakelar ditekan. teradi aliran arus liitrik. Akibatnya, inti besi lunak menjadi elektromagnet. Elektromagnet ini dapat menarik jangkar besi lunak. Saat jangkar besi tersebut menempel pada elektromagnet, pemukul mengenai bel dan terjadi bunyi.

Contoh Narative Text Bahasa Inggris "Wolf and Dog"

Wolf and Dog
By: K. Sean Buvala
The Wolf and the Dog-
An adaptation from an Aesop Fable.
A wolf and a dog went out for a walk.
The Dog said to the Wolf, "Brother wolf, you look so thin! How can you be happy when you are so thin? You should come live with me and my master. I eat everyday and I never want for food."
The wolf thought for a moment and replied, "Yes, you are probably right. Why should I be out here in the wild scrounging for food when someone else will give it to me? And you are so well fed. It is decided, I will come to live with you."
"Good," said the dog, "then follow me."
As the dog walked ahead, the wolf saw that there was a spot around the dog’s neck where the fur had been worn off.
"Brother Dog, " asked the wolf, "why do you have that patch around your neck where there is no fur?"
The dog slowed down, stopped and turned to the wolf with sadness in his eyes.
"That is where they place the leather leash around my neck every night. They do this so they can control me and keep me in my place while they sleep." replied the Dog, none too eagerly.
"Never!" said the wolf as he began to trot back into the forest. "I would rather be starving and free than to be fat and a slave."
And with that the Wolf vanished back into the forest.

Contoh Narative Text Dalam Bahasa Inggris "THUMBELINA"


There once lived a couple who longed to have child, but their wish did not come true. At last, the woman went to a fairy and asked for her help. The fairy gave her a seed and said, “Plant this in a flowerpot and water it carefully.”
Soon a beautiful flower sprang up. It looked like a tulip with its petals tightly closed. “How lovely,” said the woman, kissing the flower. As she did so, the petals opened. Inside sat a tiny, graceful girl no bigger than the woman’s thumb. The woman was overjoyed. She and her husband named the child Thumbelina.
Thumbelina’s cradle was a walnut shell. She had a pillow of violets and a quilt of rose petals. At night her cradle sat on the windowsill. During the day, the woman kept a bowl filled with water on the table. Thumbelina amused herself by rowing around the bowl in a boat made of a large tulip petal. She used two white horsehairs for oars. As she rowed, she sang in the tiniest, prettiest voice imaginable.
One night a big ugly toad hopped through the window. When the toad saw Thumbelina asleep in her cradle, she cried, “She would make the perfect wife for my son!”
The ugly toad snatched the cradle with Thumbelina inside and carried it to her home in the swamp.
The toad set Thumbelina on a large lily pad in the middle of the water so she could not escape. Then she went to fetch her son, who was even bigger and uglier that she was.
While the toad was gone, Thumbelina woke up. When she saw where she was, she began to cry and wonder how she would ever get home again. Some fish swimming below heard Thumbelina’s cries.
When the fish saw pretty Thumbelina was, they felt sorry for her. “We must set her free,” they said, “so she does not have to marry the toad’s son.” The little fish began to bite at the stem of the lily pad. Before long, they had gnawed through it, and lily pad floated away.
Just then the toad returned with her son. “Stop!” the son called after Thumbelina. “Where are you going? You are to be my wife and live with me here in the swamp!” but it was too late. Thumbelina was already floating downstream.
Thumbelina went a long way, past wide green fields and deep shady woods. Birds and butterflies stooped to say hello to her, and she felt very happy.
Suddenly, a big brown beetle swooped down and seized Thumbelina in his claws. “How pretty you are!” he said. “I shall make you my wife!” how frightened Thumbelina was, but there was nothing she could do!
The beetle sat her on the branch of a tall tree to show her to the other beetles. But they did not think Thumbelina was pretty at all. “How ugly she is!” they sneered, turning up their feelers. “Her waist is so slim, and she has only two legs! She looks horrible!”
After that, the beetle decided he didn’t want Thumbelina for a wife after all. So he flew her down from the tree and set her on daisy.
Thumbelina was very sad, since she felt the beetles were right. She did not know that she was really very lovely.
All summer Thumbelina lived in the forest. She wove herself a bed of grass and hung it under large leaf to shelter herself from the rain. She drank the morning dew and ate nectar from flowers. She was perfectly content until autumn came – and then winter.
First, the leaf Thumbelina lived under died and shriveled. Now she had no shelter from the wind and rain. There was no longer any food to eat, either. Then it began to snow, and Thumbelina almost froze to death. So she went looking for food and shelter.
She walked until she came to a large cornfield. The cornstalks had been cut long before. Nothing left but the stubble, which to Thumbelina seemed as tall as a great forest. At last, she found the home of a field mouse.
She knocked timidly on the door. When the field mouse answered, Thumbelina said shyly, “Please, can you spare a grain of barley?”
The field mouse, who was kind thing, replied, “Of course! Come in, you dear little creature!” She led Thumbelina inside and fed her.
The field mouse’s home was very comfortable, and her cupboards were full of the food she had stored for winter. So she told Thumbelina, “If you will to keep my house tidy for me and tell some good stories, you may stay with me all winter, if you like.”
“Yes, please!” cried Thumbelina. And so she did all the field mouse asked, and in return she was kept warm and well-fed.
One day the field mouse said, “Listen, Thumbelina. My neighbor is coming to pay us a visit tomorrow. He is much richer than I, and he wears a beautiful black velvet coat. Oh, he is a very clever man! But he is blind, so be sure to tell him your best stories.”
“Of course,” said Thumbelina. But she was not very excited about the visitor, for he was a mole.
The mole came the next day, wearing his black velvet coat. Even though he was very rich and probably very learned, as well, Thumbelina did not like him. He said dreadful things about the sun and the flowers and birds, yet he had never seen them.
Nevertheless, Thumbelina told him her best stories and sang him all the songs she knew. She had such a lovely voice that the mole fell in love with her. However, he did not say anything, because he was very cautious. Instead, he invited Thumbelina and the field mouse to pay him a visit.
So the three set out through a tunnel the mole had recently dug between his home and that of the field mouse. “Now, please watch your step,” the mole told them. “It’s quite dark here and there is a dead bird farther down the tunnel. But don’t let that alarm you!”
When they come to the dead bird, the mole accidentally pushed his nose through the roof of the tunnel. The sun came shining through, and Thumbelina clearly saw the bird.
He was a swallow, and he did not look as if he had been dead for long. “Poor bird,” Thumbelina thought sadly. “He must have died of the cold.”
The mole pushed the bird aside roughly. “Useless creature, birds!” he said gruffly. Thumbelina said nothing. But when the mole and the field mouse had gone ahead, she bent over and kissed the bird. “Perhaps you were one of the birds that sang to me all summer,” she said. “How nice it was to hear your sweet music!”
After the mole showed them his house and gave them tea, he led them home again. Then he repaired the hole so no sunlight or cold could enter. But that night Thumbelina could not sleep.
She kept thinking of the poor swallow in the tunnel. At last, she crept from her bed and move a blanket out of hay. She took it into the tunnel and laid it gently over the swallow.
Thumbelina sadly laid her head on the bird’s breast. When she did, she heard a sound. It was the beating of the swallow’s heart. He was not dead, only numb with cold. Thumbelina was afraid-the swallow was much bigger than she-but she bravely wrapped the blanket more tightly around him. Then she tiptoed away.
The next day she slipped away to visit the swallow again. He was awake now but very weak. So Thumbelina brought him water and honey, and all through the long cold winter she carefully nursed the swallow back to health. She told the field mouse and the mole nothing of this, for they did not think much of birds.
At last, spring came. The swallow was now well enough to fly away. Thumbelina re-opened the hole in the roof of the tunnel for him.
“Why don’t you come with me?” the swallow asked Thumbelina. “I can take you to warm, beautiful places.”
Thumbelina dearly wished she could go with the swallow, but she shook her head. “The field mouse has been very kind to me,” she said,”I cannot just leave her!”
 “Very well,” said the swallow. “Farewell, kind maiden. I hope I see you again.” And with that, the swallow flew away.
Tears filled Thumbelina’s eyes. She was very fond of the swallow and would miss him so much.
Spring passed, then summer. Thumbelina worked for the field mouse, who treated her kindly but hardly ever let her go outside into the beautiful sunshine.
One day, as autumn was coming, the field mouse said to her, “I have good news, dear Thumbelina. The mole has asked for your hand in marriage. We must work to get your wedding clothes ready!”
“But I don’t want to marry the mole!” cried Thumbelina, bursting into tears at the thought of living with him in the dark, underground tunnel far from the bright sun and all the lovely flowers.
“Don’t be silly,” the field mouse said crossly. “The mole is handsome and rich. He will make you an excellent husband. Marry him or I will bite you!” The field mouse told Thumbelina the wedding would take place in a month. Four spiders spun the wedding veil, while Thumbelina sewed her tiny wedding gown.
As the wedding day drew near, Thumbelina became sadder and sadder. How dreadful I would be to always live in the darkness. Would she ever see the blue sky or the bright sun again? Would she ever hear a bird sing?
The day before wedding, Thumbelina begged the field mouse to let her go outside one last time. At last, the field mouse gave her permission.
Thumbelina slipped out the door and stared longingly at the bright sky.
“Farewell, beautiful sun,” she cried, stretching out her arms. “Farewell, sweet flowers! Please say hello to my dear swallow for me if you ever see him again!”
Just then Thumbelina heard a tweet, tweet above her head, and there was the swallow himself! He was flying south for winter, and he had come to say good-bye to Thumbelina before he went.
Thumbelina began to cry. She told him how she was to marry the mole the next day.
“Oh, no,” cried the swallow. “Come with me instead. I will fly you to beautiful lands where the sun always shines and flowers always bloom.”
“Oh, yes.” Thumbelina said, “I will go with you!” for she could not bear to marry the mole.
Quickly she climbed on the swallow’s back. Then the bird spread his wings and he and Thumbelina flew away. They flew over tall pine forests and snow-covered mountain peaks to warm countries where the grass is always green and orange and lemon trees grow.
After several days, they came to a clear blue lake. An ancient palace of white marble stood beside it. In the garden lay a marble pillar broken into three pieces.
Large, beautiful flowers were growing among the pieces of pillar. The swallow placed Thumbelina beside the most beautiful flower. “I think you will be happy here,” he told her.
Just then the petals opened. Inside was a tiny man with shining gossamer wings. He was the fairy of that flower and king of all the flower fairies. He was just Thumbelina’s size, and he fell in love with her at once.
“Will you be my wife?” he asked. Thumbelina smiled, for he was nothing like the horrible mole. “Yes,” she said happily.
At that all the flowers opened and each flower fairy gave Thumbelina a gift. The best gift of all was a pair of tiny gossamer wings. Now Thumbelina would be able to fly and flit from flower to flower.
At Thumbelina’s wedding to the fairy king, the swallow sang a special wedding song. Then it was time for him to fly back north. As he went he sang of Thumbelina, and that is how we came to hear the story.

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